Instagram Daily Limits (2024 New Limits for Follow, Like, etc.)

Instagram’s daily limits are because Instagram wants to prevent bot activities. This way, real people and engagements are present on the platform. So, if you are using Instagram to grow your business, you should know these Instagram limits. Knowing these rules will keep your IG account safe and help you stay within boundaries to make good [...]

By |2024-10-01T20:09:17+04:30October 1st, 2024|Instagram Scheduler|Comments Off on Instagram Daily Limits (2024 New Limits for Follow, Like, etc.)

14 Instagram Post Ideas to Create Fresh, Engaging Content

It can be a tough job to maintain an Instagram brand account. You need to check out new Instagram post ideas that get you more visibility and engagement. In this post, I will share 14 creative Instagram post ideas to keep your page fresh and engaging on Instagram with different types of content, such as [...]

By |2024-10-01T16:08:50+04:30October 1st, 2024|How To Use Instagram|Comments Off on 14 Instagram Post Ideas to Create Fresh, Engaging Content