best time to post on instagram

When is the best time to post on Instagram in 2021?

Today, Instagram has become an essential application to have, especially if you are managing a business. On Instagram, you can share photos and videos of your products and advertise your services for free. However, it is important to share your content at a time that helps you get more attractions. Therefore, it is important to know when to post on Instagram. In the following, we want to talk about the potential proper times to post on Instagram. So, if you want to know the best time to post on Instagram, keep on reading. 

Why is it important to know the best time to post on Instagram?

It is integral to know when to post on Instagram for so many reasons. Imagine that you are a big branding content specialist and you want to share posts in order to get more attractions. It is really important to know what to share to make people curious about your products. Besides, it is more important to share your posts at a time that more followers are online. Because as you may know, posts that have been shared recently, will be shown on top of the timeline. Hence, if you share your posts at a time that fewer people are online, your posts will be shown at the lowest part of the Instagram timeline and people may not see it. Therefore, you need to know the time that most of your followers are online to get more engagements. So, to find the best time to post on Instagram keep reading. 

Best time to post on Instagram

best time to post on Instagram

Actually, the best time to post on Instagram depends on numerous factors. One of the most important factors is the type of business. For instance, if you have a restaurant and you want to post something to get engagements, it is better to post 1-2 hours before lunch/dinner time. Or in case you have a travel agency, you’d better post your amazing offers before the vacations. You can find the exact best time to post according to the type of your business on Techigem.

However, according to impactbnd, it is better to post on Instagram on Wednesday at 11 a.m, and Friday at 10-11 a.m. Actually, Wednesdays are the best days to post on Instagram overall. 

However, Tuesday to Friday, from 10 a.m to 3 p.m, are the safest time to share posts on Instagram. It means that during this time if you post on Instagram you will get a normal amount of attractions which is not too low and even not too high. But, you can be sure that your posts get enough engagements and insights. 

But what about the wort time to share your ideas on Instagram? As you may guess, on the weekends, late at night and early in the morning, are the worst time to post on Instagram. At this time, most of the people are asleep and your posts will not get enough attractions. Moreover, Sunday receives the least amount of engagements on Instagram. 

How to post on Instagram at the best time easily?

best time to post on Instagram

The best way to post at a specific time on Instagram is to schedule posts. Unfortunately, Instagram doesn’t have a scheduling feature. So, to schedule posts on Instagram, you need a third-party app. Some of these apps, find the best time to share content by analyzing your previous posts and suggest you schedule your content at that time. There are lots of scheduling apps out there, but we have introduced the top 5 Instagram schedulers before. As we have mentioned in that article, AiSchedul is the best platform that you can use to post on the exact best time on Instagram. Moreover, AiSchedul helps you:

  • Schedule stories
  • Repost content
  • Automatically response to comments
  • Manage multiple accounts 

And so much more than this.

Another point that you should keep in mind about this platform is that it’s a web-application. It means you can have access to it using any device as long as it has a browser. No matter it is a PC, Android phone or iPhone. Moreover, it doesn’t take any extra storage on your device which prevents many common Instagram errors from happening.

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So, hit the button below to sign up and try AiSchedul for free!

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In a nutshell, it is necessary to know the best time to post on Instagram. This helps you to get more attractions and grow your business. As we have mentioned in this article, Wednesdays and Fridays are the best days to post, since on Sunday you will not get enough attractions. To make things much easier and post at the best time easily, use Instagram post schedulers. AiSchedul is one of the best Instagram-based platforms that helps you with post scheduling and lets you manage things much easier.

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