Gone are the days when users uploaded content on their Story just because they were not good enough to dedicate a post too! Nowadays, businesses try to get more Instagram Story views because Stories can attract leads and convert customers. To enjoy the full benefits of Instagram Stories, businesses share multiple Stories daily. This may be too much for you, especially if you just started your business to create high-quality feeds every day. Here we are going to let you know how to borrow the content of others. Wondering how to share an Instagram Story to my Story? Stay tuned!
Can I Share Someone Else’s Story To My Story?
Yes. Instagram rolled out the feature of reposting someone else’s Story to your Story. However, this is possible under one condition.
To avoid plagiarism, Instagram only allows you to repost a Story you are tagged in. This way, your Instagram followers are going to see who is the source of the Story.
You may like to read: What are the perfect Instagram Story dimensions?
How to share an Instagram Story to my Story?
As covered just before, you are required to be tagged on an Instagram Story to repost that. The process is super easy. But you may ask, what if the friend forgets to tag you on their Instagram Story? Or what if you want to repost the Story of an influencer or a random user? What to do then?
Easy! There are some workarounds!
On Instagram App
Once a user tags you on an Instagram Story, you will receive it in the direct section that says “Add This To Your Story” Suffice it to hit that and post it to your Story.
Add this to your story
Now let’s see how you can share an Instagram to your Story if you’re not tagged in.
Record or screenshot
Yup! As you would have probably guessed, you can take a screenshot or record it if it is a video. However, suppose you intend to upload high-quality photos on Instagram. In that case, we suggest you not do that because screenshots and screen recordings reduce the quality of the picture and the video. Repost the Story instead!
How to repost on Instagram?
AiSchedul is a free Instagram all-in-one tool with many features, including an embedded repost tool that allows you to repost posts and Stories of other users and schedule them afterward.
To repost on Instagram with AiSchedul;
First of all, Sign up for it for free and connect your IG to it.

Add your IG to it
Then on your dashboard, click on “Manage Account.” Note that you can manage multiple Instagram accounts on this dashboard.

Click “Manage Account”
There, on the “Posts and Scheduling” tab, click on “Repost” and select “Feed”

dashboard of AiSchedul
Here you can find the Instagram post you want to repost by entering a Username, hashtags, location, or post URL.
Instagram repost tool of AiSchedul
Now the feed is uploaded. If the feed is a video, you can trim it on your dashboard.
AiSchedul embeds an editing tool.
The caption of the video is copied from the source by default. You can either change it or leave it be.

Compose a caption
AiSchedul provides you with a benefit of a built-in hashtag generator tool as well. Find the most searched and relatable hashtag to the post.
Instagram hashtag generator of AiSchedul
Then you can even save hashtags to “My Hashtags” to speed the process of scheduling for the next time.
This is how you can save hashtags on Instagram.
Afterward, add the location and share the post to the Story to increase Instagram engagement.
At last, publish or schedule it for later.

You can even schedule the deletion of the post.
Watch how you can find and repost a feed based on hashtags!
How to repost a Story on Instagram?
How to repost Stories on Instagram? The good news is that AiSchedul also is capable of reposting the Stories you are not tagged in.
This time, on your dashboard, select “Story” instead of “Post” after you hit the “Repost” button.

Dashboard of AiSchedul
In the next tab, enter the username of the person whose Story you want to repost.
Repost tool of AISchedul
And at last, either post or schedule it for later.
How to schedule the reposted Story
AiSchedul is compatible with just any device, given the fact that it is web-based. But if you prefer working with an app, download AiSchedul from Play Store.

AiSchedul on Play Store
After installing the app, sign up.

Sign up page of AiSchedul app
Then add your IG to it, and afterward, tap on “Manage Account.”

Manage Account
Here tap on “Repost” and select “Story”
Story repost tool of AiSchedul
Now paste the username of the user whose Story you want to repost.
Instagram repost tool of AiSchedul
Pick the Story you want and hit the “Repost”
Instagram repost tool
At last, “Post” or schedule it for later.
Scheduler of AiSchedul
Price Of AiSchedul- Instagram Story Repost Tool
AiScheudul is FREE (forever); however, if you want more on Instagram, the paid plans are available at prices of $7 and $23.

Plans & Pricing of AiSchedul
Considering the happy users, AiSchedul has and the reasonable price, it is highly recommended to subscribe to the paid plans. Here you see the review of AiSchedul users on Trustpilot.com.

Reviews of AiSchedul, which is almost perfect
Before You Go
The third of the most-viewed Instagram Stories belong to businesses, and 500 million users watch Stories daily.
It means your (potential) audience is spending plenty of time swiping Stories, and at the same token, your rivals are investing in the Stories! When do you want to invest in your Instagram Stories?
AiSchedul is a free Instagram scheduler that enables you to invest in this field without having to spend a penny.