How to Start & Manage Your YouTube Channel 2023

It may be thrilling and satisfying to launch and run a YouTube channel. YouTube provides a platform with enormous possibilities, whether you want to monetize your material, promote your passion, or develop a personal brand.

Using a social media management tool is one of the best ways to manage your YouTube channel easily. Want to know more?

I will coach you through the crucial stages and considerations to launch and successfully manage your YouTube channel in this detailed guide.

Getting Started

Let’s get right to it and learn how to get started:

#1 Visit the YouTube Creators Website

To kick-start your YouTube journey, I recommend visiting the YouTube Creators website. This valuable resource provides expert advice, tips, and best practices for channel management. 

By exploring the content available on this platform, you can gain insights into various aspects of running a successful YouTube channel.

#2 Sign up for a Google Account

To kickstart a YouTube channel, you need a Google Account. You can continue by connecting it to your YouTube channel if you already have one. 

If a Google Account is not already in your possession, it’s crucial to create one. Once you have your Google Account, you can easily create a YouTube channel associated with it.

#3 Customize Your Channel’s Branding and Layout

To make your YouTube channel visually appealing and distinctive, it’s essential to customize its branding and layout. This involves adding a profile picture, banner, trailer, and sections that align with your channel’s theme or niche. 

Once you do, these visual elements help create a strong first impression on your viewers and can contribute to building your brand identity on YouTube.

Channel Management

In addition to getting started, you need to know how you can manage your channel more effectively. So, you should:

#1 Access YouTube Studio

YouTube Studio is a powerful management tool provided by YouTube. It allows you to edit settings and manage video content. In addition to that, you can track channel performance and interact with your audience. By familiarizing yourself with YouTube Studio, you can effectively monitor and optimize your channel’s performance.

#2 Manage Your Channel’s Basic Info

Properly managing your channel’s basic information is crucial for establishing a clear identity and facilitating discoverability. So your channel’s name, description, and links deserve close attention. 

Changes made to these details may take a few days to update and display across the YouTube platform, so ensure accuracy and consistency.

#3 Consider Translations for a Global Audience

Expanding your reach beyond language barriers is essential for maximizing your channel’s growth potential. So, to appeal to a global audience, consider adding translations for your channel name and description. 

This simple step can help you connect with viewers from different parts of the world and increase your channel’s visibility.

#4 Create a Unique Identifier (Handle)

To establish and maintain your distinct presence on YouTube, it’s advisable to create a unique identifier known as a handle. Your handle serves as your channel’s URL and helps viewers easily recognize and remember your channel. Also, you have the flexibility to change your handle twice within a 14-day period, so choose a name that reflects your brand or content.

#5 Customize Your Channel’s Homepage

It’s time to customize your YouTube channel to fit your business or personal taste after you’ve created it. Customization includes adding a profile picture, banner, trailer, and sections to your channel layout. 

These visual and structural elements contribute to your channel’s overall aesthetic and help viewers understand your content at a glance.

Making your channel’s homepage interesting and informative is crucial because it serves as the entry point to your content. YouTube allows you to highlight up to five site links on your banner image, visible to viewers accessing your channel on a computer. 

Utilize this feature to direct viewers to specific playlists, social media accounts, or external websites that complement your channel.

#6 Manage Your Channel’s Settings

Within YouTube Studio, you can access various settings that govern your channel’s behavior and visibility. However, please examine and tweak these settings as necessary to align with your preferences. 

Pay attention to options like country/region selection, channel visibility, and other privacy settings to ensure they align with your goals and audience.

#7 Manage Your Channel’s Basic Info

To effectively manage your YouTube channel, it’s important to regularly update and optimize the basic information associated with it. This includes your channel name and description. In addition to that, you should also manage translations and channel URL. 

By signing in to YouTube Studio and navigating to the “Customization” section, you can easily make changes to your channel’s name and description.

#8 Manage Multiple YouTube Channels

If you’re a creator with multiple YouTube channels associated with your Google account, you have the convenience of switching between them. Once you do that, it will allow you to manage and upload content to different channels using a single account. By utilizing this feature, you can efficiently handle multiple channels while maintaining organization and focus.

Work on It

It’s important to turn your attention to efficient channel administration as soon as your YouTube channel is operational.  This involves various activities to ensure the growth and success of your channel:

#1 Upload High-Quality Videos

Consistently create and upload high-quality videos that resonate with your target audience. Also, invest in good equipment, pay attention to lighting and audio, and strive for engaging and informative content.

Pro Tip: Here are 10 successful tips for creating engaging social media videos.

#2 Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions

Craft compelling titles and descriptions for your videos, keeping in mind relevant keywords that can improve search visibility. As a result, this optimization technique helps potential viewers find your content more easily.

#3 Engage with Your Audience

Respond to comments, encourage discussions, and foster a sense of community within your channel. Actively engaging with your audience helps build loyalty and strengthens the connection between you and your viewers.

#4 Promote Your Channel

Utilize social media platforms and other relevant channels to promote your YouTube content.

You can also post YouTube videos on your Instagram to reach a wider audience and maximize your reach.

Seek Expert Advice

As a YouTube creator, you don’t have to navigate the platform alone. Because YouTube offers valuable resources and expert advice through the YouTube Creators platform. 

You can find guidance on various topics, including video editing techniques, channel management strategies, and audience engagement tips. Also, leveraging these resources can help you refine your skills and grow your channel more effectively.


Here are some frequently asked questions to help you better understand this topic. Also, some of  them might be yours!

Q1. Can I Monetize My YouTube Channel Right From the Start?

Despite YouTube offering monetization options such as advertisements and channel memberships, it’s vital to note that there are certain eligibility criteria to be met. 

For monetization eligibility, your channel requires at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of views in the preceding 12 months. You can apply for the YouTube Partner Program and begin monetizing your content once you have satisfied these conditions.

Q2. Besides Ads, What Are Some Other Ways to Monetize My YouTube Channel?

While ads are a favored method of revenue generation for a YouTube channel, they don’t stand as the only way. Here are some other ways to monetize YouTube channel:

  1.     Channel Memberships: This feature allows your viewers to become channel members by paying a monthly fee. So in return, they receive perks like exclusive content, badges, and emojis.
  2.     Super Chat and Super Stickers: These abilities can make your audiences purchase chat messages or stickers when live streaming. This may be a fantastic method to interact with your audience and generate extra revenue.
  3.     Merchandise Shelf: If you have merchandise related to your channel or brand, you can utilize the merchandise shelf feature. This enables you to directly promote and market your products on your YouTube channel.
  4.     Sponsored Content: Collaborating with brands and creating sponsored content can be a lucrative way to monetize your channel. However, it’s essential to disclose any paid partnerships or endorsements according to YouTube’s guidelines.
  5.     Crowdfunding: Websites like Ko-fi or Patreon allow your fans to support you by making recurring or one-time donations. You can offer exclusive rewards to your patrons as a token of appreciation.
  6.     Affiliate Marketing: By partnering with affiliate programs or networks, you can promote products or services in your videos. As a result, you’ll earn a commission for every sale or sign-up generated through your unique affiliate links.


Starting and running a YouTube channel involves commitment, originality, and flexibility. However, paying attention to the recommendations and actions provided in this guide can help lay a strong groundwork for your channel’s success. 

Always keep in mind that creating material that connects with your audience takes dedication, perseverance, and time to establish a successful YouTube channel.

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